Inteilgent IT equipment distribution Lockers

Inteilgent IT equipment distribution Lockers

Laptop Storage cum Charging Locker Trolley | 16 shelf

Laptop Storage cum Charging Locker Trolley | 16 shelf

Laptop Storage Carts and Tablet Laptop Chromebook Charging Lockers

Product SKU:- RL10

The RIFE Locker RL10 is a charging and storage solution for up to 10 devices. The self-service charging lockers securely store and safely charge laptops, Chromebooks, netbooks or tablets in individual locking bays. Each bay has a 4-digit code lock ready for the user to setup when using the locker. These lockers are designed for the popular laptops/ipads/tablets/chromebooks scheme. Users devices can be left securely locked and efficiently charging whilst they are away. (The RIFE Locker RL10 is also supplied with a 'Master Key' for accessing the individual bays should the user forget their 4 digit code.)

Each individual bay inside the RIFE Locker range, consists of a power plug socket and 2 x USB ports for small devices, giving you the option on how you want to charge your devices. The RIFE Lockers are protected by unexpected power surges, allowing you to rest easy knowing your devices are safe and secure. A truly flexible device charging locker range which makes managing your devices simple and easy.


  • 10 bay or 24 Bay RIFE Locker available
  • Charge and store your popular laptops/ipads/tablets/chromebooks
  • Can facilitate devices that require plug adapter or devices that are charged via USB
  • Each bay has 4 digit code lock that is set by the user (Master Key also provided)
  • Ventilation System keeps devices cool
  • Smooth, easy to clean surfaces.
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