Smart Lockers Mailroom & Parcel Management Software

Smart Lockers Mailroom & Parcel Management Software

Smart Lockers for healthcare and Hospitals

Smart Lockers for healthcare and Hospitals


Education Sector: Smart parcel locker is utilized in educational centers to provide students and staff members with an opportunity to get parcels 24/7. Distribution of books and educational supplies is streamlined hence decreasing staff burden and generally increasing organization efficiency


Don’t leave classes, student projects, or facilities work orders waiting because of lost keys and equipment. RIFE smart management systems help you account for all the keys, laptops, and educational equipment that travels back and forth across your campus every day. Your staff can monitor every transaction in real-time from a secure management dashboard.



Smart Lockers for Schools: Intelligent Asset Management
Asset Tracing  smart lockers are modular equipment management systems. They protect and charge your most important electronic equipment. They also automatically monitor and track their usage.
Customized for Your Campus
Customizable hardware and software
Modular cabinets stack in whatever configuration you need to hold your equipment
Adaptable software that RTN engineers can customize to your needs
Detailed Recordkeeping
Detailed logging creates an airtight record of which faculty, security personnel, and students signed out which equipment
Customizable reports you can pull from the management dashboard on your PC, phone, or tablet
Identify patterns in usage across your campus you might not have seen before

Prevent Equipment Losses
Error-free transaction logging gives you a complete record of who has which devices signed out
Keep students and staff accountable for any equipment damage
Save work hours spent tracking down misplaced laptops, electronics, and other equipment
Enable Your Educational Staff
Smart automation technology gives educational institutions the control they need to protect sensitive assets
Easy-to-use design enables your faculty, staff, and students to get what they need when they need it
Better workforce enablement makes your staff more effective at their jobs


Make Campus Operations More Efficient
Automated recordkeeping eliminates time-consuming manual data entry
Integrated charging ports ensure all laptops, projectors, and other A/V equipment are ready for your next class
Equipment surveillance verifies the identity of tracked devices, including kit components


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